
Facing COVID-19: Flovac vacuum sanitation in field hospitals

Flovac installed its vacuum sewerage system in three field hospitals in Valencia, Castellón and Alicante (Spain). To provide service to the provisional hospitals, Flovac took its plug & play system. This system is ideal for temporary facilities, as it is effective, it doesn't create odor problems, obstructions and neither is…
2 inch valve

Flovac launches a new 2-inch vacuum valve

New 2-inch Flovac valve New Flovac 2-inch valve Early vacuum sewerage systems are about to get a makeover thanks to the new 2-inch vacuum valve developed by Flovac R&D team in conjunction with the production team in The Netherlands. Clients from many parts of the world…
Marinas and ports

Vacuum sanitation, most effective option for marinas

From Spain to the Caribbean or Vietnam, luxury marinas prefer vacuum sewerage Every time more civil engineering companies, marinas and ports are interested about this technology and its benefits. Vacuum sanitation provides service to the megayachts in the berth, as well as the facilities in the marina. All with one…
WC en la playa de Gandía

Vacuum sanitation, the most adequate to the conditions of the beach

Flovac's vacuum sewerage system is ideal to the characteristics of the beach A superficial trench during the system installation in Gandia The beach presents particular conditions that can be a challenge when it comes to install a sanitation system. Due to its location close to the…
Frozen pit

Frozen vacuum sewers and the lessons from Northern Europe

Over the Northern winter we read with interest a number of stories related to frozen vacuum systems. It was caused by some of the worst winters seen in 100 years in the North East of America. These stories have increased in recent years with some commentators talking about the reality…
Saint Martin

Flovac vacuum sanitation in Grand Case (Saint Martin)

Saint Martin becomes another Caribbean island to have Flovac's vacuum sanitation system Construction in Grand Case (Saint Martin) started two weeks ago. The application of vacuum sewerage was indispensable in the region. This area is very flat and has a high water level, what implied that it was not possible…
ISO certifications / certificados ISO

Why are ISO certifications important

ISO 14001 certificates an effective system of environmental management With Flovac manufacturer's recent move to a new international production facility in The Netherlands, the first thing that its General Manager, Mr Leo Huijs, had to set up was the ISO certifications. ISO certifications covers many aspects…
Flovac Vacuum Valve and controller can operate under water

Can the Flovac valve and controller work under water?

Vacuum sewerage systems are often installed in areas which are prone to flooding and rising water tables. A question we are often asked is whether the Flovac valve and controller can still operate when they are under water. Our simple answer is yes. The writers of the British and European…
Upgrading your vacuum pump station

Upgrading your vacuum pump station

The vacuum sewerage industry is now 50 years old and for a variety of reasons some of the systems infrastructure will need to be replaced or upgraded It could well be a move away from old liquid ring pumps. It could be that some of the equipment has just come…

Chiquilá (Mexico) will have Flovac technology in its renovation

Flovac is supplying vacuum pumps to a new project in Mexico, expanding to North America Chiquilá's (Mexico) vacuum sewerage renotavion will have materials from Flovac. Vacuum pumps provided by Flovac are from the brand Busch -one of the largest vacuum pumps manufacturers. Busch products have the most advanced vacuum and…

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